Sparky's Story...
Why do some pets survive cancer when others do not? What
common threads run through the stories of those who find successful
Of course, each animal, each case, is different. But we discovered that the pet's caretakers — their attitude, their determination and their open-mindedness — have more more to do with their pet's outcome than any other factor. What must a pet owner have in order to succeed? We've given this a lot of thought, and came up with three basic elements that hold the keys to success: Hope, knowledge, and perseverance. The kind of hope we're talking about is not easy to explain on a web page. We wish we could simply bottle it and inject it into the arms of cancer-pet caretakers. Hope is a force — as powerful in the healing process as any medicine. In our book, "Sparky Fights Back," you'll see how it opens doors. And you never know what miracles might be waiting behind those doors! The fact that you've reached our website shows that you've already begun seeking the second element: knowledge. It means you've decided to participate in your pet's treatment. The next step is to put it all together into the "shock and awe" approach we suggest in our book. Sparky's example shows that you can never have enough information, never enough weapons in your arsenal. The third necessity is perseverance. Sparky's story is a roller coaster of emotional ups and downs. You'll see how perseverance keeps the downs from getting you down. If your pet is currently facing cancer, we sincerely hope you will take a few hours and read our little book. We think it will change your outlook. And we are absolutely convinced that a caretaker's outlook can make all the difference in the outcome.
— Josée Clerens and John Clifton, authors |
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